OSCP Preparation HackTheBox 01: Lame

 Notification: This is not a technical step-by-step guide. 


a. Initial Access


b. User Access


c. Root Access

    Samba 3.0.X 'username' map script Command Execution


a. FTP, SSH has less chance to exploit it.
b. Enumeration

1. Port Scan
    $nmap -p- -sV --open
    $nmap -A -p- -T4

2. Service Enumeration
    Port 21 
        vsFTPd 2.3.4
        Anonymous login, no file, no access to upload
        exploit, MSF backdoor command execution not working

    Port 22
        SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
        Ssh with password 

    Port 139, 445
        Samba 3.x -4.x 
        Samba 3.0.20-Debian
No Nmap common exploit 
        'tmp' folder with R/W permission
        Searchsploit samba 3.0 got CVE-2007-2447
        MSF search samba 3.0 got samba/usermap_script

3. Exploit
    Python script
    Root file:




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