Firewall Troubleshooting 3: Chrome browser bypass the WebBlocker

WebBlocker is one of the most commonly used functions in the Firewall.
WebBlocker uses a database of website addresses that are identified by content categories.
when a network user tries to connect to a website your firebox or XTM device examines the web databased if the WebBlocker if the website is in the web database and the administrator has blocked the context category of the site, the network is denied access and sees a customized message to let them know.

WebBlock works with HTTP and https proxy policies to control web browsing,

In my company Firewall, I have set up an HTTP and HTTPS proxy. I blocked some of the websites.
 But I noticed Some of the agents were still able to access the blocked websites by using Chrome Browser.

Ping the blocked website: not able to reach it
Visit it from Firefox/ IE: Not able t reach it
Visit it from Chome: able to access the blocked website
So, I found that for web browsers other than Google Chrome that the connections were denied successfully.

Go Deep:
From Google search, I found Google Chrome utilizes a protocol called QUIC that utilizes UDP/443 instead of the normal TCP/443 that the HTTPSproxy uses.QUIC is an experimental transport layer protocol that was first implemented in 2012 and became a default setting in 2015.

With QUIC, the Chrome browser will send traffic over UDP 80 and 443. Because this traffic is not HTTP or HTTPS, the WebBlock HTTP and HTTPS proxy action do not apply to this traffic and some users could use QUIC to avoid the company’s security policy. Users that connect with QUIC will bypass controls such as WebBlocker and SafeSearch enforcement.

To prevent this behavior with Google Chrome we can disable QUIC in the Chrome browser or we will need the policy to deny UDP/443.

Here is the config instruction that I got it online:

To see QUIC connections in your Chrome browser, visit chrome://net-internals/#quic.

To disable QUIC in your network, use one of the options shown below.

Option 1: Disable QUIC in the Chrome browser
To disable QUIC in a Chrome browser, visit chrome://flags. Locate Experimental QUIC protocol and select Disabled from the drop-down menu.

Option 2: Deny UDP Ports 80 and 443
From Fireware Web UI, use this procedure to create a policy to deny connections on UDP ports 80 and 443:

Select Firewall > Firewall Policies.
Click Add Policy.
The Firewall Policies / Add Firewall Policy page appears.
Select the Custom radio button.
Click Add.
The Firewall Policies / Add Fireware Policy / Add Policy Template page appears.
In the Name textbox, type QUIC.
For Type, select the Packet Filter radio button.
Click Add.
The Add Protocol dialog appears.
From the Type drop-down list, select Single Port.
From the Protocol drop-down list, select UDP. 
In the Server Port textbox, type 80.
Click OK.
The UDP Port 80 appears in the Protocols list.
Repeat steps 6-10 with UDP port 443.
Click Save.
The Firewall Policies / Add Firewall Policy page appears with the QUIC policy template selected.
Click Add Policy.
The Firewall Policies / Add page appears. The Name text box contains QUIC.
From the Connections is drop-down list, select Denied.
By default, the From field contains Any-Trusted. Add or remove aliases as necessary so the FROM field contains the specific networks that include users that you do not want to access internet sites with QUIC.
By default, the To field contains Any-External. Do not change this unless you want to allow QUIC traffic for traffic to a specific external interface.
Click Save to add this policy to your configuration.


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